Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cruelty at Its Finest!

So folks I was late this month (and still am)... My hopes were so high. But much to no avail it is still a negative. I decided to go for the old fashion pregnancy test this time- 1 line not pregnant, 2 lines pregnant. The results were quick and immediate. It kinda felt like the pain you feel when you quickly rip off a band-aid. Unlike the digital test which is more like taking a band-aid of slowly. I don't know which I prefer because in the end the pain in my heart was still the same. I gave myself a 5 minute ugly cry moment. (Have you ever stood in front of a mirror during an ugly cry? It actually isn't a bad idea because when you see just how ugly you look you will probably stop crying sooner!) I must admit that I felt a little lingering anger as I drove to work. But for the most part, I felt I handled it somewhat well.

I find this to be the "cruelist" (which is not a word outside of my world) joke mother nature has ever played on me!!!! In fact the joke is continuing on.... since I still haven't started. The craziest part of all is this lingering hope that I have that maybe just maybe I actually could be pregnant. But when I actually think about it I know I am not, and so another month begins. Please just let this vicious and depressing cycle break sometime soon!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

31 Wreath

I totally took the easy way out on this one and copied a wreath I did for Christmas last year! This is super easy. It took me a little less than 2 hours from start to finish! (Perfect craft while your baby naps!) All you need is a foam or straw wreath foam, sewing pins, about six 12x12 scrapbook pages, a paper slicer, and a bone folder. Take your 12x12 papers and cut them into 1/2 " x 12" pieces. Once you have a whole bundle of strips in all different patterns take the bone folder and curl the paper. Once you have a ton a curly papers stick a pin through the middle and stick it into your wreath form. Continue until the whole wreath is full. I worked on one section at a time. Add embellishments as desired. I remembered a ribbon wreath that Jen from Tatertots and Jello did for Halloween one year and she added the numbers 31 to it and I just loved it, so that is who I copied it from!!! Enjoy.

And just in case you are wondering why I am taking a picture of the wreath on a rocking chair it's because I have the worst lighting on my front door where my wreath is currently hanging. I chose to keep this one inside since it is a paper wreath.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

BOO Blocks

These are for my mom. I love them! I want to make a set for myself!!! I decided to make a Halloween Wreath too! I don't know why I do this to myself so stay tuned!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Halloween Advent Calendar

Since I am back working again I haven't been able to do as many crafts as I would like to. But I was committed to getting at least one thing done for Halloween. I knew I wanted it to be a good one and I am so happy with the way it turned out. I decided to do an advent calendar for Halloween. I LOVED my Christmas one, but wanted to do something different for Halloween. Instead of using a cookie sheet I decided to use wood. I bought an 11x14 piece of wood from JoAnns. It was $9.99 but I used a coupon and got it for 5 bucks! I painted the board black and then picked two coordinating scrapbook papers and mod podged them on the wood. My orange paper at the top and bottom are both 3 inches wide. The black designed paper in the the middle is 7 inches. I inked the edges of the paper and then used mod podge to adhere them to the wood. During the twenty minute wait time I used my Cricut to cut the letters for the words: Countdown to Candy. I added Martha Stewart glitter to the letters using mod podge. When I applied the mod podge on top of the paper I added the letters. Then I added a black and orange polka dot ribbon to cover both seams - top and bottom. Now that the board was done I gathered the following materials:

Glitter, Scrapbook Paper, Embellishments, Ribbons, Ric Rac, Tulle, Stamp Pad, Mod Podge, Elmer's Spray Adhesive Glue, sponge paintbrush, and Velcro.
Once I had all my supplies I made numbers 1-30. Here is how I did it: (This takes a while, a long while!)
1. Cut 12x12 papers into 6x6 squares.
2. Ink Edges.
3. Use cricut, silhouette, or buy pre-made chipboard numbers for countdown pieces.
4. Add glitter to numbers using Mod Podge (Martha Stewart Onyx is what I used)
5. Use spray adhesive to attach numbers to 6x6 squares.
6. Embellish each square with ribbons, ric rac, etc.
7. Adhere Velcro to the back of each square and to the actual board.

The best part is I have a ton of stuff left over that I can use for other Halloween crafts for years to come!!

Put it on display and change the numbers each day!!! I hope Jackson (and hopefully more future babies) will enjoy doing this for years to come!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just in case you thought that no news was good news... think again! A big, fat NOT PREGNANT showed up on the test again. It was like my heart was stabbed with a thousand knives. Holy crap! I am depressed. BLAH! Yep, that pretty much describes how I am feeling.

Please know that I do understand so many are suffering more than I. And I actually do think of others often, and pray for them too. But I am only me. And this is how I feel about this particular situation right now. It's just hard for me to understand why this isn't happening for us right now. I AM VERY GRATEFUL for what I already have in my life- Ipromise. It is just hard to not be sad when you want something so badly.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I Think I'll Move to Australia

Flat Tire Monday:
You know that feeling on Monday. That dragging feeling. That "I can't believe I have five days to get through before the weekend comes" feeling! How about the feeling when work is finally done and you get to begin your trek home. That's a good feeling. Especially if Monday was your first day of school as a kindergarten teacher!!! Let me tell you my excitement upon leaving school. It was 3:45. I am headed to my car. I hear an announcement from the school secretary: "Please be sure to call all students who did not show up today to find out if they are drops!" I turned right around and walked back to my classroom! :( I made 10 + calls. It was 4:15 by the time I finished. So happy to be in my car and on my way. And then not even 3 blocks from school I hear a pop. I knew the sound. I didn't want to stop. I thought just keep going. Just pretend like you don't know your tire is flat. But of course I couldn't!!! BLAH! AAA, America's Tires, and a 50 mile drive later I arrive home at 8 o'clock in the evening!

I think I'll move to Australia!

'Teacher' filled Tuesday:
First day with 30 - 5 year olds! My day consisted of one word said a billion times over- teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, TEACHER, TEACHER, teacher, TEACHER, teacher, teacher, teacher, TEACHER, TEACHER, TEACHER!!!

I think I'll move to Australia!

Hump day Wednesday: (not the dirty kind)
Why are Wednesdays such hard days? Enough said.

I think I'll move to Australia!

1 million Ants Thursday:
Wednesday night I parked under a tree. I've parked here at least a few dozen times before. Never had a problem. I walked to my car that morning- after sleeping in an extra 45 minutes. Loaded Jack in his seat, got in mine, and then I see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANTS! EVERYWHERE! MILLIONS! OH MY GOSH!
How do ants survive a can of ant spray, a car wash, and a 50 mile drive?!?!?
I decided on this day that I would take a match to my car and walk away! Did I just curse my Friday?

I think I'll move to Australia!
Wait, are there ants in Australia?

Fire Friday:
At dismissal I notice a large fire. I say out loud, please tell me that is not on the freeway! To which someone responded, No it doesn't even look close to the freeway! I thought oh yes, yes it does! Walk back to my room and hear my cell phone go off. It's Sam, "Are you in traffic?" Right away I know it's on the freeway. Then I notice a missed call from my mom. Call my voicemail. "Hey Megan the 15 South bound is closed because of a fire. Call dad and he will tell you how to get around it!" JUST GREAT! For those of you who don't know, I work in Victorville. One direct route in and one out- the 15. Unless you go around. The long way. The really long way. My Dad sends me towards Phelan. Headed that way when I get the call that they are now closing that road also. I turn around and go back in the other direction. You know the direction all 1 million cars are headed in!!! Surprisingly it only took me turning around 2 times, pulling over one time, one car sickness, and 2 hours to get home!

For those of you who heard me say I was planning on burning my car to the ground on the side of the freeway I didn't. I was not the cause of the fire. I still have my car. It's in one piece. It has one patched tired, smells like a can of ant spray, and has 1 million dead ants in the black carpet to prove it!!!

If this week is any sign of how my year will be I am in for one heck of a ride!!!!!

Some wondered why I was already counting down days till the end of the school year. Now you know!!!!

It was a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week!!!

Here's to a better one, or else I am headed to Australia!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ruby's Auction is now OPEN!!! Go to to bid on items. There are over 100 items to choose from- including my BOO Blocks for Halloween, baby headbands, lace rompers and leggings, a car seat cover, blankets, photography packages, my friend Holly's beautiful temple art, Carly's nursing cover, and much more!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Help and Happiness Ahead

There have been several times over the past year that I have questioned God's involvement in my life. I have wondered if He really loved me. If He really cared about me. If He was concerned about my hurt. If He heard my prayers. And time and time again I realized that He does in fact love and care about me. And that he was and is concerned about me. And He does hear my prayers. It is just that tribulation and suffering is simply part of life. I guess that's the part I have been in, but rest assured I am working my way out!

At church today the speaker said that he found comfort in trying times knowing that there was One who couldn't imagine how he was feeling, but that actually knew how he was feeling. I was reminded how grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who sent his Son to Earth to atone for the sins of the world. To atone for the pains of all His children- even for my pains. I am so grateful to know that we can find forgiveness, peace, and healing through our Savior. I am grateful that when I am going through trials I feel hope that their is happiness and peace in the horizon. If I can just hold on a little longer it will come. I can feel this hope because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Elder Holland said, "Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some come late. And some don't come till heaven. But for those who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ- they come. It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come."

I have realized in the past few weeks that truly our burdens can become lighter when we forget ourselves and serve others. Find someone to serve this week. Find someone whose burdens you can make lighter. When we do so I am confident that we will feel more peace and find more happiness. We will see more blessings come into our lives as we strive to bless others. And we will feel the Love of our Savior more as we love others.

I'm going to. Will you?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ruby's Auction

As many of you know sweet Ruby Jane returned home to her Heavenly Father this week. So many of you offered so many prayers on behalf of Ruby and her family. I know those prayers were heard although Ruby did not receive the miracle we were hoping she would. Many of you have been following Ani's blog. We have read her words and felt her hope. We have read her words and felt her faith. We have read her words and felt her gratitude. And now we feel more faith, hope and gratitude because of her. I am so thankful that Matt, Ani, Kate, and Ruby are an eternal family. I am thankful to know that although this is so very difficult to deal with, that we can find comfort in our testimonies of the gospel and of eternal families. Please continue to pray for Ani and Matt- and for their families. My heart is especially heavy for Ani. As a mother I can only imagine how she is feeling right now. But Ani if for some reason you were to read this post please know that WE ALL have been so inspired by you. WE ALL believe that you are the BEST mother for Ruby. WE ALL know that you did all you could for her while she was on this Earth. We love you Ani. We are mourning with you. We are praying for you.

As many of you have seen on my facebook page there will be an online auction for Ruby. The auction will open Monday the 15th and close the following Monday the 22nd. To bid on various items including car seat covers, blankets, bows, photography sessions, crafts, etc. please go to

All of the money will go to help the Taylors. If you would rather donate money directly to the Taylor Family and not participate in the auction then go here and click on the donate button.

If you are unable to donate at this time due to the economical hardships many of us are facing please remember that prayers are free. Fall to your knees and pray for this sweet family! Also, if you feel so inclined go here and click on the Donate Life icon on right to be an organ donor. Once you have signed up, return to Ani's blog and vote yes to show your support for the Taylor Family!

Below is the item I am donating for the auction. Have you been to the stores lately? Halloween is every where! This will help you get a jump start on your Halloween Decorating. I hope you like it enough to place a bid on it or any other item in the auction! They are so many wonderful people who donated so many wonderful items! So make sure to stop by Ruby's auction this Monday!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


As many of you know from my post last month Sam and I are trying for a baby. I got pregnant with Jackson after just 4 short cycles. I remember wondering then if it would ever really happen. I worried about what a co worker told me about her infertility problems. She attributed these problems to a surgery she had right before entering puberty (8-11 ish). She also said a lot of women who had this same surgery at a younger age were suffering from the same problem. Well I had the same surgery at 9 years old. I worried that I would face the same problems. Luckily, I was able to get pregnant the old fashion way and relatively quickly. I was so relieved. I was so happy. I was so grateful.

Well lately I have really struggled. Many, including family members, don't really understand why I am so worried about not being pregnant yet. I don't know if it is so much that I am worried but more that I just yearn for it so badly. Lately, a lot of friends and family members have announced their pregnancies. And although I am so happy for each and every one of them I can't help but feel a little pain each time I hear or see an announcement. I think naturally we ask the question Why not me? I never ask why her or them but just ask why not me too? When will it be my turn?

A couple of weeks ago I was laying down with Jackson before his nap. I whispered in his ear how happy I am that it's "just him" and that I am so happy that we have had this much time with him as our only child. I also told him how I wish he could be a big brother soon. BUT for now we will just enjoy this special time with the 3 of us- mama, dada, and jack. Maybe this was a little revelation to me. That I should enjoy what I have because for right now it really is 'enough'. I realized that I have already been blessed with so much more than so many others, and that I need to be a little more grateful and a lot less absorbed in my own wants. Until Heavenly Father decides to send us another one of his precious children we will enjoy what is ours already, and by doing so we will realize that it is enough!

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Bedroom Colors: HELP!

We have had the same bedding since we got married, with the exception of the sheets! I have the itch to change the whole room, but have like little to no money to do it with. ;)

This is the color scheme I want to go with:

I really want to make a headboard that looks something like these:

I found this cheap bedding from Crate and Barrel. The only problem is there is no bed skirt so I am thinking about doing white sheets with a white bed skirt-- And to be honest white totally frightens me!
And to tie in the yellow I am going to make (or buy) pillows that are just like these from Festive Home Decor:

And I have been dying to make a pillow just like this from Jilly Bean Craft:

And of course I would love to find an old dresser or side tables and paint them yellow, white, or teal. I am also going to make some wall art using Picnik! And luckily I still have over $100 in gift cards from my wedding (4 years ago!) to Pier 1 so I can use those to find some accent pieces.

So what do you think? Do you feel like it will all flow together ok? And did I mention my husband is not ok with the color yellow? I just don't think he can see the potential of the color yellow! ;) Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Paper Cone Wreath

I saw this adorable paper cone wreath about 2 weeks ago at a link up party at Tatertots and Jello. I thought it was soooo cute so I had to make one of my own!

I have been wanting to incorporate a little bit of mustard yellow into my teal and brown house. This was an easy way to do it. I love the punch of color the wreath has. I am still deciding on whether or not I want to add a pennant banner to mine. I added paper flowers for now so I am going to admire it for a few days and see if I think it needs something more!

Go here for the tutorial.
I actually just used a 12 inch round white foam wreath I had on hand. I also bent the tips/points of the cones when gluing them down to the wreath form. I found this to be a little easier and faster way of doing things.

From personal experience, DO NOT buy a book that you will feel bad about cutting up without reading. I originally just looked for the right colored paper I wanted without paying much attention to the cover and title of the book. Well I got home and realized it was about the Virginia Tech shooting. I just couldn't bring myself to cut up the book without reading it. So I read the first 50 pages. But then I just decided I would feel better if I just went and bought a new book. So back to the dollar tree I went!!!! :/ That's my OCD for ya!

Also, I would add an icepack, neosporin, and band-aids to the supply list. I burned my fingers a million times!!!!

I moved the wreath into Jack's room to take a picture because we have the worst lighting at our front door. I just didn't want you thinking that the wreath is being displayed on a rocking chair. ;)

These paper flowers are simple to make. For each flower, tear 3-4 large, medium and small circles from various paper scraps. Crumble in hand. Open up. Ink edges. Glue and stack. Add button or brad to top. Repeat for other flowers. I knotted together two ribbons and some brown tulle and glued them onto the wreath then glued the flowers on top.

The Styrofoam doesn't show when the wreath is hanging on the door. If you are worried it will you can cover it with flat circles like it shows in the tutorial. I didn't worry about it so I skipped that step.

On a side note.... (A much more important side note)
I have been thinking A LOT and praying A LOT for these two babies- Will and Ruby! Please keep them in your prayers also! Both babies are very sick and need all of the prayers they can get. And also pray for their families as they struggle watching their little babes suffer and endure so much pain!!!

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap  up           party!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another month and another need for these:
and these:
oh and these of course:

I am slowly spiraling down into a depression.
Hopefully next month I won't need any of the above and I will only need these:
Here's to hoping!

Watch Your Step

An old proverb says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step", so watch your step.

I saw this video on It is about pornography, but I think it can be applied to any 'enemy of the soul' someone is facing. And I do feel that we all at some time(s) or another will face these enemies, because the father of all lies will do anything to destroy our soul.

Elder Holland said, When we face such temptations in our time, we must declare, as young Nephi did in his, “[I will] give place no more for the enemy of my soul.” We can reject the evil one. If we want it dearly and deeply enough, that enemy can and will be rebuked by the redeeming power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes I feel that free agency is just so unfair. How can it be that Heavenly Father lets the choices of one person effect everyone around them in so many ways? Why can't He only allow that person to feel the pain? Obviously, I understand that in order for there to be agency this is the way it has to be. But can we just say at times it just doesn't seem fair.

I think about the woman in the video, and how her life was "shattered" because of her husbands' addiction to pornography. And the look on the faces of his daughters as he packed his car and drove away. I just want to yell out "You idiot. Look at all you are losing to someone (Satan) who doesn't even care about you."

Elder Holland said, "Like Joseph in the presence of Potiphar’s wife, just run—run as far away as you can get from whatever or whoever it is that beguiles you. And please, when fleeing the scene of temptation, do not leave a forwarding address."

Why is it that we see so many people running towards various "enemies of the soul"? Why aren't they running away? Are we really that weak? Selfish? Misguided? Vulnerable? Are we really unable to exercise any self-control?

How can they picture the face of their parents, wife, husband, children, grandchildren, etc. and that STILL NOT be enough to make them stop whatever it is they are doing?

Just one step puts everyone on a journey. And quite frankly it often feels like a journey through hell. Why can't they just watch their step?

So I am forced to think about how I can guard myself from the enemy(ies) of my soul. What can I do to get my spirit strong enough to be able to walk, no run away if I am faced with it?

Honestly, I choose to step on the easy road. To some, it may not seem like the fun or exciting road. But, it will be worth it. Because I choose to step on the road that I know will lead me back to my Heavenly Father. I will not step off onto an exit or a rest stop. I can't afford me to. My family can't afford me to. I know Heavenly Father needs me and more importantly wants me to continue on the journey that will lead me back to Him. He loves each of us. If you are struggling with an enemy of your soul, find your way back to Him. Do whatever it takes. Although the journey back may be hard it will all be worth it.

Watch your step.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Is he not the cutest kid or what? And am I not the luckiest Mama or what?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Indpendence Day Cupcake Toppers

I am making red, white, and blue cupcakes for our 4th of July festivities tomorrow. So along with it I decided to make some cute cupcake toppers.

Supply List:

White Cake Mix + Ingredients needed to make cake batter
red and blue food coloring
3 bowls
Frosting (home made or store bought)
Sprinkles (if desired)
White cupcake liners
Cupcake toppers (see printable below)
toothpicks or candy sticks

How to make the cupcakes:
Buy a box of white cake mix. Prepare cake mix according to box. Seperate batter evenly into 3 bowls. Add red food coloring to cake mix in first bowl. Add blue food coloring to cake mix in second bowl. And leave the third bowl as is- white! Fill up your cupcake liners starting with blue, then white, and then red. I suggest using white liners so you can see the colors through the liner once they are baked. Your liners should be 2/3 - 3/4 full. Following baking instructions on box. For a more detailed tutorial go here. If you have done everything right your cupcakes should look something like this:

(This is not my cupcake. I haven't baked mine yet! But I made rainbow cupcakes like this for St. Patty's Day so I assure you it is easy!!! And here you only need 3 colors vs. the 6 needed for rainbow cupcakes!)

While your cupcakes are baking do this:
Print the toppers onto white card stock in a 5x7 border-less format. This will give you the perfect sized toppers for your cupcakes. Cut out the toppers and attach them with tape to toothpicks or white candy sticks.

Give your cupcakes a chance to cool and then frost and stick the topper into the cupcake!! Little work for some oh so stinkin' cute cupcakes! I assure you kids and adults will LOVE them!

To download the cupcake toppers, first click on the image below so it opens into a new window. Then, right click on the image and hit save as!! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

4th of July Firecrackers


- 3 pieces of 2x2 (or larger i.e. 3x3 or 4x4) wood. Go to Lowe's or Home Depot and find the wood you like. I opted to go a little smaller than what I originally intended. You need 3 pieces at varying heights. I did 6", 8", and 10". I wanted to do them a little taller but I wanted to make more than one set so in order to get the number of sets I wanted from one piece of wood I cut the size of each piece down. Find the guy who cuts wood. He will probably be hiding from you because he already spotted you in the lumber section and is thinking "not her again"! When you find him smile big for him as you are telling him how to cut each piece. All the while you are totally embarrassed because the wood guy now knows you by name!
(I paid $3.33 per set)

- 3 coordinating scrapbook papers (you will only use 1/2 of each piece)
( 1 buck each but you only use half so 50 cents each)

- paint
(you can get a bottle of paint for JoAnn's for 59 cents- you won't even use 1/3 of it for this project)

- sandpaper
(a pack of this at Lowe's or Home Depot will be about $3, but it will last a long time)

- distress ink
(A distress ink pad is about $4.99 so use a coupon or get it when it's on sale like right now at JoAnn's. I have had my pad for a loooooong time.)

- paintbrush
(these are like 25-35 cents each)

- embellishments: tulle, buttons, jute, etc

- wire for the top. I used 20 gauge black jewelry wire.

-mod podge
(Mod podge is about 5 bucks for a small container of it, but it will last you a long time too!)

The How To:

1. Sand your wood pieces.

2. Give them a quick coat of white paint. Most of the wood will be covered in paper.

3. Cut your paper down to size.
4 pieces for each wood block. 12 pieces all together.

4. Now that your blocks are dry sand edges and apply distress ink. I do this with a foam brush.

5. Add distress ink to edges of paper.

6. Mod Podge paper onto blocks. Here is the trick to "mod podge-ing". Put mod podge on wood first. Then on paper. Smooth the paper onto the wood and use the mod podge tools below to prevent bubbles and wrinkles from occuring. Let your mod podge dry for 15-20 minutes. Then add another layer of mod podge to the top of your paper. YOU MUST WAIT THE 20 MINUTES! If you do not wait you will probably have wrinkles or bubbles.

7. Add the wire. Take a push pin to the top of your wood to make a hole for the wire. Cut your wire using an appropriate cutting tool, I used my appigator. Wrap you wire around the handle of your foam paint brush to create a curl in it. Add a tiny amount of hot glue to the end of the wire and stick it into the hole your created using the push pin. Repeat for all 3 firecrackers.

8. Embellish.
- I actually glued my firecrackers together with hot glue before tying them up with the jute. Then, I made the paper flower you see below and here's how I did it: 1. Find 3 different scrapbook papers. 2. Draw a large, medium, and small circle onto the back of the papers (1 circle on each paper scrap). 3. Then tear, yes I said tear, the circle shape out. 4. Add distress ink to the edges. 5. Layer the pieces and hot glue them together. 6. Add a button or brad to the center of the flower! Easy! You can also use stickers or vinyl and add a word like freedom, liberty, USA, etc. going up the side of one of the firecrackers. I might add that to mine! The possibilities for embellishing are endless!
9. Display and enjoy. My firecrackers are displayed next to my 4th of July subway art which you can download here at my blog.

How Much $ did I Spend?
The wood cost $3.33 per set. The paper I bought was a dollar a piece, but I used about 1/2 or less of each piece so it cost me about $1.50 for the paper. I had the mod podge, paint, brushes, distress ink, sandpaper, jute, button, tulle, and wire on hand from previous projects. I would give a rough guesstimate and say the I used at the most $1.50 worth of these things to complete the project. It is hard to make an inexpensive craft when you don't have a large stash of on-hand materials. But use coupons for things like your mod podge, a bag of assorted buttons, and ribbons. These things will usually last a long time!!! Or get a large group of friends together and split the cost! Also, a great alternative to using paper would be to paint each block. You can paint one blue with white stars, the second white with red stripes, and then the last white with a patriotic word going up the side. This will eliminate the cost of the paper and mod podge.
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap  up           party!

lil luna link party button

Thursday, June 16, 2011

USA Frames

I am little behind in the 4th of July crafts. The past couple of weeks were miserable for me to say the least! But I am feeling better physically and mentally and so I got back into crafting today. Here is a quick supply list and tutorial to make these USA frames.

-3 frames. My frames have a 3.5 x 3.5 inch opening. They are from Michael's. I got them on sale in December for $1. I don't know how much they are regularly. For all I know they could be a $1 and it wasn't an actual sale! :)
- 3 coordinating Fourth of July scrapbook papers/pieces (or any red, white, and blue paper). You will only need 3.5 x 3.5 inch square of each one. I think it would be fine to use the same paper for each frame too.
- 3 USA wood letters. I bought mine at JoAnns. They were 1.99 each and of course Sam threw away my coupons so I paid full price (ouch), but at least you only need 3 letters.
-Paint. I had the white paint on hand. I bought the blue paint from JoAnns. It is there brand so it was only like 60 cents.
-Glue gun
-Embellishments (not pictured). i.e. Jute, ribbon, tulle, buttons, etc.

The How To:
1. Put your baby/child/children down for a nap, or turn on Mickey Mouse ;).

2. Paint your frames blue. (or red)

3. Paint your letters white.

4. Play with your child while it dries so you don't feel like you are a terrible mother/cut your paper down to 3.5x3.5" squares. Round the edges if needed (this just depends on what frames you are using.)

5. Sand edges of frames and letters.

6. Glue letters onto frames. Hot glue is very unforgiving. It dries instantly so you better get your letters right the first time- unlike me. BUT I just did NOT want to use gorilla glue today. I had not patience for it! So this is my consequence. And just so you know I did want my letters tilted to the side! :)

7. Ink edges (optional) I used distress ink for mine. I used a foam brush to put on the ink. It is easier to get in the corners that way. You can also use a paper towel or an old rag.
Sorry for the sideways picture-- just tilt your head a little! :)

8. Put paper into frame opening.

9. Embellish.

10. Put on display and sit down and have a diet coke! Or make dinner because it is already 4:30 and you haven't even started it!

P.S. I saw a craft out in blog land that inspired me to make these. I just don't want anyone thinking I am more than a "copy cat crafter"! :) Go here to see it.